Useful alerts with Elastic Watcher & Machine Learning
March 15, 2019 elasticsearch watcher machine learning
Alerts should be meaningful, simply getting a notification about something happening is not enough. A good alert should be actionable and investigable. For me, this means getting a answer to the following questions:
What happened?
Was the traffic to the Web site unusually low? Did the number of errors increase? This is the type of information that the alert should contain in a clear and visible way.
Why an alert triggered?
What does it mean if the traffic is unusually low, would a 5% qualify for this category? What about 10%? How much are too many errors? What type of errors has increased?
What’s next?
Now that I’ve received this alert, what to do next? What should I check first? How do I get a first glance at the situation?
These questions are even more important if you add Machine Learning™ into the mix. ML is not the holy grail of alerting. Yet, it can help detect situations that you didn’t foresee before. This means that sometimes you would get a notification about an anomaly that will be the first time that happens. If an alert answers the three previous questions it will steer you in the right direction.
Putting something together
Elastic stack now supports (with the addition of X-pack) alerting. Even more powerful (if you can afford it) combined with the use of Machine Learning. And yes, sounds pretty cool, and it is well integrated into Kibana.
Eventually, you will have more than one ML job configured, and it is likely that this number will increase. Having 1 alerting job for each individual ML job will not scale. Watcher UI it is simple enough if you want a simple threshold-based alert. But if you really want to use what Watcher offers you will end up writing a ton of JSON to have a flexible enough alert.
If you google enough you will find a few blog posts and even some example jobs that will help you. But the example alerts that you usually find for Watcher are very simple. No one can write a perfect example tailored to your particular needs.
In a more practical way an alert should include, to answer the previous three questions:
- The name of the job that triggered the anomaly.
This name should be clear and related to the data/situations that it is checking.
- Which specific feature(s) influenced this result.
If you have a multi-metric job you will want to know which specific metric(s) triggered the anomaly.
- A link to the Anomaly Explorer clearing showing the issue.
Probably you have a lot of dashboards in your ES cluster. Perhaps you’re even using Grafana with ES. Providing a link to all dashboards in your organization that are related to the main issue is out of the question. A link to the Anomaly explorer clearly highlighting the issue should be a good start.
A reasonable useful alert message may look like:
Job <job name>.
Anomaly of score=<score> at <timestamp> influenced by:
<metric> score=<metric score>, actual=<value>, (typical=<value>)
<metric1> score=<metric1 score>, actual=<value>, (typical=<value>)
<deep dive link>
This alert example it’s a good starting point.
First of all, we don’t want to maintain one alert per ML job because it would lead to a lot of duplication.
Let’s remove the term
query that it’s matching in the job_id
"term": {
"job_id": "farequote_response"
Now our alert will “watch” all jobs in the cluster. You can also tweak the rest
of the options: interval
, the range
filter, etc.
The core issue of the alert is what its included in the text
key inside the
specific actions
"actions": {
"log": {
"logging": {
"text": "Anomalies:\n{{#ctx.payload.hits.hits}}
at time={{_source.timestamp}}\n{{/ctx.payload.hits.hits}}"
In a real-life scenario this would be probably the message posted to a specific Slack (or similar) channel. We need to collect some information before sending the alert.
Thankfully ES Watcher supports transform scripts written in painless. Which will allow us to do a lot of transformations to the data before the alert is sent.
Get the name of the job that triggered the anomaly.
We can take the job name or job_id
from the first element that matches our query scheduled query:
return [
'job_id': ctx.payload.first.hits.hits.0._source.job_id
Round the scores (not a lot of useful information after 2 decimal places)
For rounding the scores we can use the DecimalFormat class:
def df = new DecimalFormat('##.##');
return [
'anomaly_score': df.format(ctx.payload.anomaly_score)
Get the start time & end time of the anomaly
This is a bit tricky, we know when the anomaly was triggered, but we still need to provide a timeframe to Kibana in order to show the anomaly when it happened. For this we can take the moment when the anomaly was triggered and substract/add some minutes to get a timeframe when the anomaly should be clearly visible:
def current = Instant
return [
'start_time' : current.minus(Duration.ofMinutes(20))
'end_time' :
For this example, we’re assuming a [-20 minutes, +20 minutes] window around the anomaly timestamp.
Get the list of metrics that triggered the anomaly.
Finally, we need a list of all metrics (influencers) that triggered the anomaly. A bit more of scripting:
return [
'anomaly_details': p -> [
'metric': p._source.partition_field_value,
'score': df.format(p._source.record_score),
'actual': df.format(p._source.actual.0),
Gluing everything
Now that our transform script provides a more friendly view of the data we can configure the actual message that is going to be posted to your email/chat/ system.
When visualizing an anomaly in the Anomaly explorer in Kibana you may notice that it has a URL similar to this one.
Now we can interpolate the data extracted from the anomaly into this link and go from Slack to Kibana showing exactly what we need to see.
Finally the text
section of our alert would look similar to:
"text": "
*Job*: {{ctx.payload.job_id}}\n
Anomaly of score={{ctx.payload.anomaly_score}} at
{{ctx.payload.bucket_time}} influenced by:\n
score={{score}}, actual={{actual}} (typical={{typical}})\n
:kibana: <KIBANA_URL>"
Note: I’ve removed the
because it was discussed before and was making the entire example harder to read.
After gluing everything together we get a notification that looks like:
You can get the full code for the example discussed in this blog post in this gist.